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Photo of Victor C. Mitchener and Joseph H. Downer
"Photo of Victor C. Mitchener and Joseph H. Downer"

Victor C. Mitchener, Attorney

Joseph H. Downer, Attorney

Almost a quarter of fatal North Carolina crashes involve speed

On Behalf of | Nov 10, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Speeding contributes to a substantial percentage of car wrecks in North Carolina. The allure of reaching a destination quickly often overrides the need to follow speed limits, leading to avoidable accidents.

Looking at the reasons behind the high incidence of speeding-related car wrecks sheds light on the dangers associated with the behavior. It also underscores the need for increased awareness and enhanced preventive measures.

Impact on reaction time and control

Speeding impairs a driver’s ability to react to unforeseen circumstances and maintain control of a vehicle. Higher speed reduces the time available for decision-making. This means it is harder to navigate sudden obstacles, road hazards or the actions of other drivers.

Disregard for posted speed limits

Widespread disregard for posted speed limits contributes to many car crashes. Many drivers exceed established speed restrictions, whether due to impatience, a sense of invincibility or a simple lack of awareness. The failure to recognize and respect speed limits directly correlates with an elevated risk of accidents.

Increases severity of injuries and collisions

The correlation between speeding and the severity of injuries sustained in car wrecks is undeniable. The force generated by higher speeds magnifies the impact of collisions, leading to increased injury severity. Speeding-related accidents may, too, result in a higher number of fatalities.

The North Carolina Department of Transportation reports that speed was a factor in 23.9% of all fatal crashes in the state in 2021. Addressing this issue requires a concerted effort from drivers, policymakers and law enforcement to promote responsible driving habits and enhance the safety of all road users.